Friday, 2 October 2015

Deconstruction: Trailers and Voiceovers

Wolf Of Wall Street

  • 0:45 seconds in the trailer we see that the film is directed by Martin Scorsese who's filmography shows that he specialise in urban dramas to do with crime.
  • "From academy award* winning director" tells us the prestige of the film as the director is represented as hugely successful in past work.

  •  2:11 the trailer shows the main actors name "Leonardo Dicaprio" who represents the film's genre as urban drama because he frequently starrs in similar films.
  • "Academy award* Nominee" also highlights the prestige of the film by using successful actors

  •  2:14 is the third title of the trailer. We see Jonah Hill starring as one of the main actors behind the main actor (Leonardo DiCaprio) as the timing show he is second in hierarchy. This suggests  that the film entails comedy as a sub-genre because the actor specialises in comedy.
  • "Academy award* nominee" also adds to the prestige of the film.

  • 2:21 we see the title come together in three frames to reinforce to the viewer of the main title as this title has more screen time has more than any other title with 2/3 seconds.
  • 2:26 in "Based on the book by Jordan Belfort" immediately decrypts the narrative of the film as research shows that the author was linked to stock market manipulation, telling the audience that the film is about the 'underbelly' of the business world.
  • "Screenplay by Terence Writer" also shows enforces the prestige of the film. Film research shows that "Terence Winter" was nominated for the academy award for best adapted screenplay.
  • 2:27 shows who the director of the film was as "Directed by Martin Scorsese". This denotes the genre of the film through titles as film research tells us that Martin Scorsese specialises in urban crime dramas with references and links to other films.
  • 2:27 shows the final shot of the trailer. The title "Coming Soon" keeps the audience engaged.
Voiceovers: Wolf Of Wall Street

  • The voiceover effect in the trailer tells us three things which links Syd Field theory. At the beginning of the trailer the voiceover of the main character gives an introduction as to who he is, "My name is George Bellford..." This introductory voiceover opens the audience up to the plot. Representing genre is also used, as well as identifying target audience. This is Syd Field's theory where the three points need to be condensed into an opening or trailer.

  •  The production companies are shown first. 'StudioCanal' has been shown in the first second and 'WorkingTitle' has been shown in the 2nd second which suggests that the first production company had a larger role in the making of the film.
  • By researching the production companies it represents the genre of the film as it shows that the 'StudioCanal' and 'WorkingTitle' both have experience in action, crime thrillers.
  •  0:21 in the first title appears "Based on the true story" which tells us that this film is non-fiction.
  • The typography is clear and modern in a sense even though the film is set in the 1960s, making it vintage.
  • 0:27 in we see the next title saying "of the twins". Recognise that the keyords ("Twins") is in a bold larger font making it stand out more to the audience.
  •  From this title we see that in just over half a minute (0:34) the titles have been edited together to create a narrative as together the titles read "Based on the true story...Of the twins...Who ruled the city"
  • Demonstrates Syd Field theory but including narrative.
  •  1:24 "From the academy-award winning screenwriter of" shows the prestige of the film.
  • The reference to other films signifies the genre of 'Legend' as the films has the same screenwriter. Research of 'L.A. Confidential' shows that the films are similar because both are crime thrillers.
  •  1:51 shows the main character. We can tell that he is one of the main characters because he gets first viewing in the trailer and the running time of the titles is longer.
  • The fame of the actor is also shown in the editing of titles. Tom Hardy is shown first showing that he is a big name.
  • 1:55 shows the second main character. Second viewing shows the importance of the character and the importance/fame of the actor.
  •  2:12 the main titles are shown which concludes the film. This is represented as the main title because the typography is shown in the biggest font of the trailer, which parallels the importance of the title. The running time is 5 seconds making it the longest lasting title shot which also signifies it's importance.
  • 2:21 also shows prestige of film with references to newspapers/magazines with all four stars and a complementary quote saying "Tom Hardy is astonishing in a towering performance" which brings the trailer to a close.
Voiceovers: Legend
  • From the voiceover in Legend we hear non diegetic commentary at the beginning setting the tone of the trailer and a rough plot. Confrontational diegetic dialogue, such as "I come here for a proper shootout" shows the genre being action, thriller which identifies the target audience. This can relate to Syd Field's theory of using the three points a trailer must include.

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