Sunday, 11 October 2015

Deconstruction of a teaser trailer

Deconstruction of a Teaser Trailer
The Dark Knight Rises


  • The titles here are establishing the films genre and conforms to the common themes and narratives of Sci-fi/Superhero movies


  • This long shot of a character creates an enigma as the audience don't know who they are and all we can infer is from the previous titles that this character is on a journey.
  • Restrictive narrative


  • Here there is jump cut editing to create tension and keep a restrictive narrative
  • It gives the trailer a sinister turn and conveys there is going to be disequalibrium within the trailer 


  • Through fast editing a other jump cut is used to again give the trailer an enigmatic feel and keep the narrative hidden.


  • This title stating who the film is from will draw in more people to watch it due to a established director having directed the film
  • Also used to break up the trailer so the audience still don't know, from the trailer, what the films narrative is about.

  • This is a fast paced long shot that instigates the start of building tension and action within the trailer.
  • Unknown character adding to the enigmatic feel of the trailer. 


  • Another jump cut through fast editing is used to add to the building tension
  • He's a recognised character from the previous two another Batman films and therefore will reveal a little to the films narrative but also enigma to why he has been hospitalised 


  • A close up through the editing of a jump cut is used to add building tension in the film
  • The symbolism of this shot will register with the audience to why this beacon of hope is being smashed - enigmatic


  • A low angle shot of a character climbing out of a tunnel is shot that links to the first film and story of the batman franchise
  • This will create enigma as the audience wouldn't of expected this character ,supposedly Batman, to be climbing out of a tunnel in which we started.
  • Restrictive narrative


  • The shot of the recognised character again is shown to add to the building tension and even more enigmatic as it keeps referring to him


  • Another jump cut is used to create more enigma and keep the narrative restricted


  • Again the trailer through a jump cut refers back to the recognised character of the franchise adding to the enigmatic feel of the trailer

  • Suddenly through a jump cut it shows a blurred close up of a character of film to keep the narrative restricted and to build tension for his identity being revealed

  • Then it quickly switches back to the hospitalised man but then with a jump cut shows a clear close up of the character before 
  • therefore when he appears in the film the audience will be able to anticipate him with danger and action. 


  • After the quick scene of the un-blurred villain it jump cuts to a low angle shot of a crumbling city with the skyline in the shape of the batman emblem.
  • This creates enigma and is used as a metaphor to show how if the city crumbles so does batman, and if batman fails the city crumbles. 


  • It then through fast editing reveals the titles of the film
  • Ends the rising tension that has been building throughout the trailer.

  • The trailer ends with these titles to again, add enigma and keep a restricted narrative.

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