The Big Short
- The title reads '2005' in dark golden and a font that is commonly scene on American printed money.
- Thus creating giving a little clue to what the films narrative is about
- The same font as seen previously is used to install the film is about money and finance
- With the titles saying 'from the author of' two previous books that have been made into successful films it gives this film extra credit due to its creators past success
- As previously, there is another statement giving the film some leverage with the mention that a prestigious directer has directed this film
- This will make the audience spend more time watching the rest of the trailer and therefore more chance of them going to watch a film due to the directors reputation
- The titles here create a sense of urgency and exclusivity by saying 'this Christmas' indicates it will only be showing at that time and the people wanting to see it will have to see it then
- The repeated use of the dull yellow/gold reinstates the element of greed within the film
- The titles entice the audience to go watch it as the superlative of 'incredible' amp up how good the films is/isn't
- The idea that watching it will be an 'experience' will also help to prompt people to view the film as experiences are far better than passively watching films.
- Here its creating suspense that follows on from the last title as the narrative has still been kept restricted and therefore creating a enigma to what is 'so shocking' about the film
- This title appears one second after the last one which is adding to the suspense to the reveal of what the films narrative is about.
- The fast editing emphasises this tension to the 'big reveal'
- This title appears two seconds after the last one which is adding to the suspense to the reveal of what the films narrative is about.
- The fast editing emphasises this tension to the 'big reveal'
- Here after the suspense of the films narrative has been built up, the names of four hugely successful Hollywood actors appears one after another
- This is too show to the audience how much talent in the film they have which will take the films success to another level to the reputations of these actors
- The fact they are shown one after after another is to portray to the audience they have such a collection of A class actors that they can base the USP on just one.
- Or it can be viewed as the films narrative will sell the film rather than the actors in it selling it which is why they have been left last.
- Moreover, it could be to fully persuade the people watching to see the film just for these actors if they haven't totally been sold on the narrative of the film.
- After the suspense it ends with a red haring presenting the title of the film
- This conforms to the restrictive narrative of films the titles still haven't given anything explicit away about the films narrative.
- Moreover the colours of the words create an emphasise on the word 'big' which creates an enigma to why this word has been purposely highlighted to indicated a little about the films narrative.
- This last title just emphasises again how significant the director is to the selling the film mentioning his name more than anyone else's in the film.
- The contrast of the plain skin colour background against the red of 'This' emphases to the audience this film is exclusive to this year only and creates a sense of urgency.
- Again there are words highlighted by red text to grab the audiences attention and this case to the fact the film is based on a true story and everyone loves a film that is based on a true story prompting to see the film.
- The titles here create enigma as it vaguely hints at the films narrative but not enough to fully know what the film is about to keep the audience engaged with the trailer.
- The red text is used here to show how the film is from a academy award winner giving it some prestige already with it been created by someone of this stature
- Moreover it shows what other things Brian Helgeland has done to show the audience what the film is going to be to be like and it is going to hit out at his fans
- After fast editing and enigmas it climaxes to the name of the film being produced on screen so this trailer will resonate with the audience and prompt them to go on watch it due to limited narrative being given away.
- The last titles show how much of a prominent role Tom Hardy as in the film
- The fact the last two titles are positioned differently are done to represent how he is playing to characters in one film which is rarely done.
- This is used a USP to the audience and would prompt them to see the film due to the reputation his acting laying in the hands of these roles due to their difficulty.
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