Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Film Trailer: Deconstruction Of Sound

Deconstruction Of Sound: U.N.C.L.E
  • At the beginning of the trailer we hear diegetic sound effects and dialogue of a car engine and a man speaking in the first eight seconds to gain a sense of realism. In order to create suspense in the scene we then hear one single note of a guitar strum the same melody after every question. When we see the low angle shot of the man grabbing his gun the non diegetic sound of the guitar becomes more fast paced to build tension.
  • The tension is then released through sound by allowing a moment of silence which is then followed by fast paced non diegetic music to signify action. However, the non diegetic soundtrack suggests the film has comedic values as a sub genre because the music is playful and upbeat of people singing during the car chase.
  • The exposition of the film, showing the titles of production companies, a map and the year is shown through non diegetic sounds of a percussion orchestra which is loud, engaging the audience's attention. Throughout the description of the narrative there is symbols from a percussion tapping continuously at a fast pace. A change of shot is then emphasized through percussion to dramatize the scene.
  • We hear a voiceover over the exposition of the trailer to tell the narrative. We see a shot of the character talking and it then disperses into a series of cutaways with the diegetic dialogue over the top.
  • The non diegetic percussion music can be seen as contextually relevant as it matches the genre of music from the 60's since the film is set in 1963.
  • The non diegetic sound effects from iconography to suggest action is also included. We hear this through the sound of guns and explosions, car/motorbike engines and the sound effects from fight scenes when the character punch each other. Through the use of diegetic dialogue sound can be used as genre investigation. 

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